Why have I received a cheque? If you have paid too much or made a payment with an incorrect reference, you will receive the refund as a cheque. If you are not sure why you have received the refund, contact us and we will help you find out.
If you want the refund to your bank account instead, you have to send a receipt of your payment from you bank to us. The receipt needs to contain the following information.
- Amount
- Payment date
- Payment reference/OCR-number
- Account details from which the payment was made from
The receipt cannot be in writing, it needs to be either a screenshot or a PDF from the bank.
You can upload your receipt through our secure dropzone. Read more about it here.
The reason why we need the receipt from your bank is that the transaction does not contain your bank details since they are not public. Therefore we do not receive your account details when you make a payment to us. When we receive the receipt from your bank, we can ensure that the correct payment is refunded to the correct payer.
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